So technically this Nintendo download update was supposed to go up quite a few hours ago, but I was busy ... playing New Super Mario Bros. 2 on my shiny new 3DS XL. Oh, come on, like you've never shown up late to work ... or to your desk at home where you conduct all of your daily job operations. Anyway, with that out of the way, let's take a look at some downloads.
On the Wii Virtual Console we've got Metal Slug X for 900 Wii Points. This is a revised, revamped, and renewed version of Metal Slug 2, and if you're a fan of shmups, this one will probably be right up your alley.
The 3DS eShop got VectorRacing this week. The game is priced at $6.99, and if you dig simplistic vector visuals, you'll probably dig this, too. I mean, if the gameplay is good, that is.
Last is Abyss on DSiWare for 200 DSi Points ($1.99 if you're buying it on your 3DS). Judging from the screenshots, this game looks like a weird action puzzler. But really, who knows what the hell it might be.
Oh, and before I forget, remember that you can download New Super Mario Bros. 2 on the eShop. It costs $39.99 just like the retail version, but registering the game on Club Nintendo will net you 100 of those precious, precious Coins.
For a bunch of indie game and burrito talk, follow @thesanchezdavid on Twitter.
Via: What's downloadable this week, Nintendo? 8/23/2012
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