Sigh. Sigh, I say! It looks like it's a light day for Nintendo downloads. It's sad, really. Heck, it's darn near laughable. (See how I censor my language for Nintendo posts? Adapting to different circumstances is a thing I do!)
The first game available on the 3DS eShop is Crazy Chicken Pirates 3D. Ugh ... This one's priced at $1.99, and it's, like ... umm ... honestly, I have no idea what this game is. To continue this Month of Mario tomfoolery, Nintendo has also decided to add Mario's Picross to the Virtual Console for $2.99. Did people like this Game Boy original?
If you're looking for something on DSiWare, there's ... Crazy Chicken Pirates. Note the lack of "3D" in the title. That's because it's on the DSi. Funnily enough, that one's similarly priced at 200 DSi Points (or $1.99 if for some reason you want a DSiWare version of an eShop game on your 3DS).
Oh, and in case you're getting New Super Mario Bros. 2, you should be aware that you can download it on the eShop this Sunday. The digital version sports an identical price tag to that of the retail version, but if you go the downloadable route, you'll snag 100 Club Nintendo Coins. So factor all of that stuff in.
For a bunch of indie game and burrito talk, follow @thesanchezdavid on Twitter.
Via: What's downloadable this week, Nintendo? 8/16/2012
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