
Monday, September 3, 2012

Evil Cole added to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, more than just a skin!

Sony and SuperBot Entertainment aren't quite done revealing characters for upcoming mascot brawler PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. In fact, just yesterday they revealed Evil Cole MacGrath.

And before you ask, he will be an actual playable character — not just a skin for the current Cole MacGrath. For those who haven't played Sucker Punch's inFAMOUS, Evil Cole is a result of leading Cole down a path of evil.  With powers reflecting the darker side of him, Evil Cole harnesses the powers of both electrokinesis and pyrokinesis.

"When you pick up the controller, you’ll immediately notice the differences between their fighting styles," said SuperBot Community Manager Daniel Maniago. "inFAMOUS fans with a taste for destruction need look no further for their character of choice."

Evil Cole's bursts of fire and electricity can blast opponents from afar while his incendiary strikes make him equally deadly at close range. Other attacks include Hellfire Rocket, Tripwire Rocket, and Firebird Strike. Once reaching maximum level, Evil Cole will unleash The Beast.

"He brings an offense-heavy playstyle to the fight that rivals that of the most fearsome challengers on the roster," Maniago added.

Sony promised more news and announcements regarding PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale as they head into PAX, so we'll be sure to keep you updated.

Via: Evil Cole added to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, more than just a skin!


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